CalcSig – Fluke 9100 support added

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Mar 272023

Well its been a good long while since I last did anything with this program but now in 2023 I have got around to working on it some more.
Im (hopefully) pleased to announce Fluke 9100 signature support. The catch is, my 9100 is no longer in a working state so testing has been quite limited.
No doubt there will be issues or it might just not work properly at all so any testing that anyone can do would be appreciated.

You can download it in the Software section or direct link

 Posted by at 8:05 pm

Phoenix & Pleiades High Score Save Kit files

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May 062022

Phil Murray has very generously released all his files for his High Score Save Kits for Phoenix and Pleiades.
The archives contain all the gerbers, source code files and compiled files needed to make these up.
The files can be found at the following places on the PLD Archive wiki

If you use these files and enjoy them please consider sending Phil a thank you or a donation.

 Posted by at 1:26 pm

PLD Archive domain update

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Feb 232021

As of yesterday the PLD Archive wiki was locked for editing and it has been moved to the new domain of .
The link on this site has been updated but if you have bookmarks saved or whatever then these will need updated too.
As usual there will likely be broken links and errors so if you happen to find any then please do let me know. There is an email link on the main page of the new wiki. Likewise, if anyone has any PLD dumps or recreations, PCB pictures or IC pictures to contribute please also use that new email address to send them in.

Thank you

 Posted by at 5:41 pm
Oct 062020

Over the last few months I’ve had tons of messages from readers of this blog asking about the lack of updates and all sorts of nice words so I think its time to address this officially here.
My interest in arcade repairs has pretty much dwindled down to nothing over the last 12 months or so and I have found myself finding a love for other hobbies which I am throwing myself into and loving them more and more.
That doesn’t really leave me with much free time for repairs and it certainly doesn’t leave me with any time to write up a detailed blog post about it either.
Right now, my official status on this is I wont be doing anymore repairs logs.
With that said I do put a lot of time and effort into dealing with PAL’s and will still be maintaining the WIKI and the blog will still stay with that too.

If the time comes that I wont be continuing with the site then it will either all be handed over to someone else that is willing to keep the information going or it will be saved and made available via other methods. I’m not going to let the last 10 years of work from myself and other contributors disappear.

Any of the other contributors can still post here if they wish and if anyone else wants to contribute then I will create an account for them too

I hope that puts a few minds at ease

 Posted by at 6:16 pm

Pacman Diagnostic ROM

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May 292020

Philmur has sent me his Pacman diagnostic ROM.

Pacman test ROM – philmurr 05/20

Fits at location 6E

Tests programme, colour, video and sprite RAM 1 (note sprite RAM 2 is write-only)
Displays sprites dropping from screen to show sprite select and addressing is working (tries to show all 8 but most boards only have 6)
Shows real-time status of inputs and DIPs

Colour RAM – 4P, 4L
Prog RAM – 4R, 4M
Video RAM – 4N, 4K

Sprite RAM 1 – part of 4R,4M but may make it clearer to people when testing

File can be downloaded in the “Downloads/ROM files/Diagnostic” menu

Thanks to Philmur for his hard work and for sharing this

 Posted by at 4:32 pm