Golden Axe PLS153 dump

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Aug 242011

I dumped the PLS153 off Golden Axe tonight with the view of converting it to a GAL.
Due to the PLS have a higher number of output pins than a GAL it is not possible to fit this onto a 16v8 device so ive just uploaded the PLS JEDEC file.

It is probably possible to fit this onto a GAL22V10 device and make up an adapter for it but for now this will have to do.

EDIT: I have now made this adapter and can confirm it works no problem. Download and instructions are available.

 Posted by at 7:32 pm

Atari ST disk TOS

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Jul 022011

My mate Sophie wanted some EPROMs burning of the early TOS version for the Atari ST.
This version boots TOS from a disk rather than being “on-chip”.
I was given a couple of links to and read how others had done it.
Because the ROM dump is only 16k and we want it on a 27c256 EPROM, we have to byte split the file into HI and LO and copy each file into itself 4 times.
Using the Windows command prompt you can type:
“copy /b disktos.lo+disktos.lo+disktos.lo+disktos.lo disktos256.lo”, and same goes for the HI file.

I originally tried this out on my STe and set the jumpers accordingly which allegedly allow a 27c256 eprom to be used but this now seems incorrect.
To throw me further in confusion, one of the EPROMs must have died somewhere between my house and my mates because it didnt work.

Feeling a bit deflated I sent an email off to user 1632 who originally started the post, asking if he could send me his files. He very kindly dumped his eproms and sent me them but they matched the ones I originally created.
All I could think of doing was burning them again and sending them off. This time they worked so a dodgy EPROM was the cause all along.

You can find the original forum post here


Thanks go to Mike (1632) for his help with this. I would have spent a lot of time looking in the wrong place without his help.

TAP2WAV program

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Jun 192011

I needed to convert some Commodore 64 .TAP files to .WAV to test out a new device and found the original TAP2WAV program by Gaia.
The program did not work on newer OS’ so ive recompiled it.

This program is not my own work, all credit goes to the original author Gaia. Ive been in touch with him and he is fine with me hosting this.


Fluke 9010a Ver 3A upgrade

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Apr 272011

While I had the Fluke opened up today, thought I might as well install the upgraded ROMs, not sure why just felt the need to.
The ROMs that are available online for version 3A are doubled up into 3 x 16k files, to be installed I needed to split these files and match them up to the originals.
Here is the .ZIP file with all the split ROMs labelled properly.

Fluke 9010a v3A Files

 Posted by at 4:29 pm

Fluke 9010a ROMs Ver 2B ROM dumps

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Apr 222011

Got around to dumping the ROMs today for backup purposes.
The version installed is 2B (or 2.1 according to the stickers). I know there is a v3a kicking about somewhere but no one knows what the differences are between them so I wont bother upgrading mine.
The naming scheme for these is taken directly from the ROM stickers.
Also included in this ZIP is the MCU dumps for the keyboard and the tape drive unit.

Fluke 9010a Files