Jan 292025

In for repair was DoDonPachi Saidaioujou, a Cave shoot-em-up running on a CV1000-D board. This board is one of the recent reproduction bootlegs that’s distinguishable from an original by having gold-plated JAMMA fingers rather than tin-plated.

The board would not boot up at all and a D6 LED would light up.

As per the CV1000 entry at the JAMMArcade.net PCB Encyclopedia, if D6 stays lit up, it indicates a problem with the clock generator located at position X2 on the board. Sure enough, the X2 part on this board is damaged – you can see right into it!

I sourced a replacement part from DigiKey. It is a 32.768 kHz crystal resonator measuring 4.9 mm X 1.8mm . Once the replacement part arrived, I used hot tweezers to remove the old crystal and then soldered the new one in.

That’s all this board needed – with the new crystal in place, the game booted up and functioned perfectly. A successful repair!

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