Feb 112012

I recently offered to help a fellow UKVAC member out with recreating a 82S153 in a GAL16V8.
We were originally hoping to get a dump of the original chip and convert it over but we were sent a Verilog implementation.
After a couple of attempt we finally got it working and it is now available for download.

The GAL in question replaces the PLD at 7C, connected to the sound Z80 CPU.
Massive thanks to Adam over at https://ppclone.blogspot.com/ for providing his code.

 Posted by at 4:41 pm

Memotech MTX512 PAL dump

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Feb 052012

Got a mates MTX512 here and noticed it has a PAL so would have been rude not to dump it.
There is the PLD listing for this PAL available somewhere on the net but not an actual JEDEC file for it.
GAL has been tested and confirmed working

 Posted by at 3:09 pm

New PALs added

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Jan 292012

Today I added 4 new PAL dumps.
The first 3 are from a CPS2 motherboard and are labelled as follows:

These were taken from a non working motherboard and dumped using the ABI. They are untested at this point as Im not removing the pals from a known good motherboard to test so if you use these please let me know if they work or not.

The next one is something Ive been working on for a while and have put quite a lot of effort into.
It from a Sega ST-V motherboard and is labelled 315-5833.
Again, I am marking this as untested. I have tested it successfully with my 3 games which are Die Hard Arcade, Winter Heat and VF Kids. It also works with the Modbios.

Please test this one out as much as you can and let me know how it works.
Im pretty sure that it wont work with any add-on hardware but im also sure that all of that stuff came with a replacement GAL.

 Posted by at 3:58 pm

Mortal Kombat PAL dumps

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Dec 242011

Today I found a PLS153 and a couple of PAL16L8 IC’s on my old Mortal Kombat board.
I have added the original PLS153 dump and also reworked it to work with my GAL adapter, both are in the Downloads section.

The 2 PALs were protected so these were dumped with the Boardmaster.

If any of these IC’s are missing from the board, it will not boot at all.

The manual for MK states the following for the chips:
5346-40025-2 => PLD Address Decode
5346-40025-3 => PLD Video RAM Control
5346-40025-4 => PLD Local Control

These have all been tested

 Posted by at 5:30 pm

Pocket Gal bootleg PAL added

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Nov 212011

Dumped a PAL16L8 from the Pocket Gal bootleg board I got.
The PAL was unprotected and I have converted it for use on a GAL16V8.
This has been tested working.

UPDATE: When I get an idea in my head the tendency is to get it done or ill think about it constantly so the second and final PAL on the board is now dumped and converted to GAL. The original device is a PAL16R6 and this was also unprotected.

 Posted by at 6:00 pm