Apr 032024

After many years of arcade repairs, the time has finally come to hang up my soldering iron and move on. Its probably obvious that my interest in arcade repairs has dwindled over the last few years and with this site still taking up a lot of my space and file count, I think its time to close it down.
It will remain up until August which is when the hosting is paid up to. After this time the site will disappear so if there is anything on here that you want to keep, please make a copy of it before August.
The money saved from this will allow me to keep the PLD Archive Wiki up and running at a reasonable cost for a hobbyist.

Its been a great ride and I’ve loved most of my time in this hobby but the time has come to move on. Thank you to everyone that has ever supported me and this site and I wish you all the very best for the future.

Stay safe

 Posted by at 8:06 am

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