Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (317-5021) decrypted

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Oct 212017

Hi there !

System 16B version of Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (317-5021), using a FD1089B is now available , you can grab it from the dedicated page. I don’t think a lot of people will be interested in it, as it’s a mah-jong game using a dedicated controller …

Cheers !

 Posted by at 4:30 pm

Bullet (317-0041) checksums fixed

 Decrypted Updates  Comments Off on Bullet (317-0041) checksums fixed
Oct 202016

I noticed that Bullet checksums were wrong in the available set. I did a bit of reverse engineering and you can download the fixed version now.

Cheers !

 Posted by at 2:47 pm

Super Hang On sitdown (317-0039) decrypted

 Decrypted Updates  Comments Off on Super Hang On sitdown (317-0039) decrypted
Sep 192016

A new version of Super Hang On has been added to the decrypted list ! It’s the sitdown version (317-0039), freshly dumped and not yet available in Mame.

Many thanks to Shou for providing the dump and testing the decrypted version !

 Posted by at 8:17 pm